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Is there anybody using patona?

Gelöschter Benutzer
Ehemaliges Mitglied
<font>Hey all, gibt es niemanden mit Patona Batterien? Wenn ja, dann hows ur Erfahrung und wo Sie es kaufen? Jede Antwort wäre appreciated.THANKS sein</font>

Power User 2
Hey nitin rai,

why patona batteries?
Do you want to replace the bosch battery-packs with patonas?
Are you using old NiCd or NiMh-batteries?

More hints would be good to answer correctly!

Bosch, professional tools for professional workers! Like us ;-)!

Gelöschter Benutzer
Ehemaliges Mitglied
Hey presenter, Actually i need to buy a new battery and someone recommend me patona so thats why i am asking here.If you have any experience with it then please let me know!!

Power User 2
Actually, I'm not using patona-batteries. I prefer original battery-packs (in my DSLR, Notebook and as well Power-Tools)!
But I also now, that patona is well known for their battery-clones and should produce good quality!
Nevertheless, such battery-packs would work in your Power-Tool. But be aware, if such battery damages your tool, your warranty is gone!

If you want to buy such battery-packs, Amazon and Ebay offer patona.

Bosch, professional tools for professional workers! Like us ;-)!

Gelöschter Benutzer
Ehemaliges Mitglied
<font><font>Ohkay, Got it. But what if, If I bought this directly from Patona site like patona.de?</font><font> Btw, thanks for your info. Really appreciate it your time. :)</font></font>

Power User 2
There is a german homepage of patona! Just search with Google! I don't want to post such a Link here in a Bosch-forum!
For some user-experience, you can have a look at the amazon rating of such battery-packs!

Bosch, professional tools for professional workers! Like us ;-)!

Gelöschter Benutzer
Ehemaliges Mitglied
Yeah, for sure. Thanks so much for your time. Nice to meet u!! 🙂